Resuscitation of yellow flower water lily (Nuphar lutea) in the Sarab-e Nilufar of Kermanshah

Due to the lack of rainfall, drilling unauthorized wells and the cultivation of hydrophilic plants around the spring, water lily faced since 2011 some signs of drying of spring appeared and finally it was completely dried in 2015 and flowers of yellow water lily faced serious damage. The reports and frequent visits to their habitats showed that they have been disappeared. In other words, since the year 2015 when the spring was dried and revived again, the plant did not re-appeared any more.

Due to the lack of rainfall, drilling unauthorized wells and the cultivation of hydrophilic plants around the spring, water lily faced since 2011 some signs of drying of spring appeared and finally it was completely dried in 2015 and flowers of yellow water lily faced serious damage. The reports and frequent visits to their habitats showed that they have been disappeared. In other words, since the year 2015 when the spring was dried and revived again, the plant did not re-appeared any more.                                                                                                                                                           e  


Prevention of yellow flower waterlily extinction was carried out by faculty member of Razi University. Yellow flower water lily that is a kind of Lotus is a holy plant and as a major element in the architecture and art of the various periods of human life from the ancient to the present century.                                                                                                             

The yellow flower water lily was named Nuphar lutea, after the recent drought except for one plant, all its specimens were destroyed.                                                                                                                                                                   e

The generation of this valuable species was in danger of extinction. However, with many efforts, it was propagated and rescued from extinction.e

Propagation of this plant by tissue culture method was first performed by Dr. Danial Kahrizi, a faculty member and professor of Faculty of Agriculture of Razi University. The propagated yellow flower water lily plants were released four times in the Sarab-e-Nilufar in Kermanshah Province. The results of this operation are promising and some of the plants have grown well.                                                                                                                                                                  e

Dr. Kahrizi stated: In Iran, Lotus has been the symbol of Anahita. The existence of holy plants as a major element in the architecture and art of the various periods of human life from the ancient to the present century gives rise to many questions in the minds of every human being about why these plants have been so considered, their origin and source of where and what their philosophy of existence was. This flower represents various symbols that are common with the beliefs of other nations. For example, the symbol of fertility, prosperity, the strength of the earth's fertility, the protection of any living creature, world peace, beauty, well-being, the manifestation of love, austerity and worship.                          e

The emergence of the lotus from the first waters that is free of any contamination is a sign of purity and potential, from which the sacred force of life and knowledge emerges. The role of this plant on the rock paintings of Persepolis and Taq-e-bostan shows the importance of this plant.                                                                                                               e

He expressed the hope that be further propagated by the Razi University and we will preserve this beautiful and ancient symbol in Kermanshah province.e



Fortunately, after successful efforts to propagation the lotus flower, this flower was introduced by the provincial authorities as a brand of Kermanshah for the development of tourism.                                                                              e

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